Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ranch King Snowblower Gas

Unicity in a new guise Part 2

With our clear rejections, the Unicity-people gave but not satisfied. How can a "no" to express more clearly than with the sentence "With Unicity I would have nothing to do"? Obviously not everyone can understand such a simple message:
When my colleague called the other day a lady from a call center to align it to a greeting from Mr. AH. She was rightly upset about the call and asked repeatedly removed from all lists and never again to be harassed by Unicity.

today I found a mail with the following content in my e-mail inbox:

Quote start:
"Do you know the
Have you seen this already times ?
They are also suffering?

you have turnover in your organization, but they are not paid out because the sales are outside of your slot machine, below the levels / levels to which you are paid, or because you have not reached the necessary personal sales and group sales.

you have in your system, eg at least 5 lines build to reach lucrative positions, but you have to hammer out only one or two good lines.

you earn less, because someone was better in the down line has overtaken you and you now get more bonuses no difference.

your down line will break off all the time because people are dissatisfied after a short time.

your upline will not help you more, for fear you could come in the same position.

They run from vision to vision, such as "THE HAMMER NEW PRODUCT", but none of it will take you further and frankly, the product is only as exciting as it sells you.

you are Loyal to your company for years and it keeps telling you that you are close to a breakthrough, but if you think a closer look, you have not earned anything yet.

you have top quality products, unfortunately, totally overpriced and really no one wants you because you are either in the competitive market (eg telecommunications, electricity, gas, financial services etc.), or products have, for the first time you have to really wake up demand (eg, water filters or video phones etc).

go regularly for major events / conventions etc look like there are others to be honored, thrilled and 1-2 weeks after the event, please remember that it was just super motivated, but you are not one euro has been introduced.

you have an upper income limit what you can earn up to your position and if you want more, you have to start another position.

steady flow of announcements, all of which will soon come and wait and wait and nothing happens.

We look real leaders with national and international contacts, which all want to leave behind and with a perfect system, all what you have learned in recent years, now just want to put into practice.

We offer different

+ Stable company since 2002

+ EU-wide approved products

+ across the EU always be started pre-launch phase

+ Daily commission payments

+ No income limits

+ Organization commissions without any depth limitation

+ no revenue loss as a monthly sales targets

leaders we do not understand Under those the log and then do e-mail information or to get an explanation of the business over the phone.

We define leadership simply a "doer" who say, that sounds interesting to sit in the car and meet us to get to an interview about the first-hand information.

We, that is 7 (Se7en) professionals from the Network -. Marketing, everyone already had organizations with some 10,000 partners "



The name I have abbreviated and taken out the phone number. It must be for such people do not even advertising.

As usual: No evidence for the Unicity, no answer to the products. There is no shortage of digs against other distributors. Who is in MLM and Network marketing is a bit familiar, who knows which companies fired on and against which executives.

What does not it say: The biggest competitive market is not telecommunications, gas and electricity, but cosmetics and dietary supplements, because the competitors do not just happily lurking shake and pill parties in the living rooms of potential customers, but treacherous in every drugstore and any pharmacy shelf .

makes Perhaps yes some times the effort and compares the lawyer Statements of Unicity floating around so in the web with UWG.

If you read exactly is the text of poaching of the worst kind and most primitive methods.

A very irritated Koihai


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