An uncomprehending commentator berated The striking drivers work as objectors, including by lying to the reader: understand
train strike
No understanding
The web is so happy as a rival to the aircraft. But there's the fact that flights land on the road just once, in order to strike? In the railway has to be prepared for similar: That makes the ICE from Hamburg to Berlin yesterday an unscheduled break three hours in Ludwigslust.
Burst appointments, missed opportunities, lost money are the result. (The strike was announced.) Who will rely even more on the track, if it comes at a time for something really important? (How that was before Christmas, when only 30% of the ICE were exactly on time without a strike?) is already clear that the train drivers want more money. Do not we all?(And what the commentator for more money to earn
although the difference is huge between train drivers and editors. Suppose the extremely rare case, would strike editors. What would happen? There would be one way or another Emergency Issue, until the reader's nose would have full of them. Some would even notice that they just under 21 € cost of service could save. They noted that much of the OZ the day before read on the Internet, watching television, listening to the radio to remember is, would they get through life without OZ.
drivers are not yet on the other hand unnecessary.
The members of the train drivers union GDL, but sawing off the branch on which they sit. Especially since it supposedly is all about the rates of private rail systems, not the state-owned DB.This is lied smooth as the bottom of press releases the union can read.
The commentator will even deny that it constitutes a strike:
For the seemingly senseless refusal to work on the backs of customers have no understanding.Do not, however, had a majority even if the commentator would believe the so-called ZDF Politbarometer :
The Union of German train drivers (GDL) applies today (25 February) strikes announced. Nearly two-thirds of respondents (64 percent) are understandable when the train drivers strike for better pay and a single collective agreement, 31 percent is not the case (do not know, five percent).
a court decision, which condemned the strike as illegal, I do not know.
were used to engineer officers, and strikes were forbidden. The ban should be reinstated. There are areas that are simply too important to the game ball ruthless collective fighters.Jawollja, peace is the first civic duty to make it with the income and wealth distribution can go :
Here are excerpts from press releases to refute what the commentator on that:
"The engineer in Germany urgently need a single nationwide agreement to pay the dumping of up to minus 30 percent to end once and for all. In addition, the social protection from dismissal in connection with railway accidents urgently needed and we must regulate the periodic loss of jobs through the transition to a new operator in the transport agreement and so the engine driver to go in an orderly fashion from one company to another.
and detailed here :
DB calls the GDL leadership is ultimately on the to 4 to stop running in March 2011 ballot among its members. "That means in plain English, that we should boards decisions, and thus ignore the opinions of our members," said Weselsky. ...
about the undue interference in internal affairs GDL addition, the DB even worsened their offer: The offer for the highest wage level in the engine-driver fee is 645 Euro with 2 still below the previous level of the DB to 2775 €. Not only that, should also eliminate the Christmas bonus. Thus the wage levels would fall by an additional four percent. In addition, the working week to 39 hours rise permanently. The work would, however, from 1 January 2012 to 38 hours per week decrease in pay. ...
The GDL calls for a nationwide agreement for train drivers in Germany. Thus, a standardized minimum to be achieved at the level of the market leader DB. The DB (the state company) calls the GDL five percent wage increase. (... which shows that the commentator was lying. ) are 's core claims nationwide agreement also provide a hedge for involuntary Loss of Driving suitability, for example, by suicide, and uniform training standards. (applies also to the State Company DB) also calls the GDL regulations to change in the local rail operator. For example, the East German Eisenbahn GmbH (ODEG) such as advertisements in Berlin and Brandenburg won. Locomotive of the DB had no employment guarantee in the first ODEG. Second, they were actually set, they have to work for up to 30 percent less pay and two hours longer. The GDL demands that the future lay in one tender is the wage level to the surface collective agreement is based. Previously existing collective agreements are gradually align to this level. "With the GDL, there will be no permanent two-class engine driver in regional rail transport," said Weselsky. ...
The union raised additional claims that they can read in the PM for all train drivers. All you conceal, however, the commentator. Perhaps the reader should once bestreiken the commentator.
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