Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ardin Diazepam Reviews

"Hartz 4: parental allowance credits contradict"

I go out for reasons of which must show that the OZ here about anything published, I would point out:

In the course of the Hartz IV reform of the black and yellow Federal government is the minimum rate of the parental allowance of 300 euros per month to the unemployment benefit II receipt of benefit (SGB II) and the receipt of social assistance (SGB XII eligible). According to the German trade union federation DGB is likely that this new regulation violated the principle of equal treatment for other income-related benefits such as training aid (student loans) and housing benefits will not take a credit remains, the DGB Region Chairman Frank Firsching.

The DGB expected a correspondingly positive decision by the Constitutional Court. This same benefit all concerned by the court ruling, parents should Hartz IV relation lodge an appeal against their decision performance. The opposition must for any permit decision in time to the service provider SGB II or SGB XII § 6a BKGG be inserted. ...

Small additional :

Despite the economic boom and decline in unemployment: More than 10% of the population in 2010, benefits in Book II (Hartz IV), are eligible
In short
- In 2010 more than 10% of the population aged 0-65 were on basic security for jobseekers (unemployment benefit II and social benefit) dependent. In absolute figures are 6.7 million people including 4.9 million are of working age.
- The needy Quote has changed since 2005, since the introduction in Book II, no. The economic recovery since 2009, and unemployment reduction are passed to the Hartz IV recipients so far.
- Extra High needy rates are found unchanged in the new federal states.
- Of all children under 15 years, 15.8% belong basic security services (welfare)
- The rate of those in need in the population is considerably across regions: in many areas of economic crisis - in the new as in the western states - is the ratio between 20 and 25%, so in Bremerhaven at 23.5%, 21.2% in Stralsund, in Berlin at 21.1% and 21.7% in Gelsenkirchen. In contrast, southern Germany, especially in the districts are only a few people on Hartz IV-dependent, in the districts of Eichstätt and Landshut 1.4% and 2.2% ...


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